A compendious dictionary of the English language. In which five thousand words are added to the number found in the best English compends; the orthography is, in some instances, corrected; the pronunciation marked by an accent or other suitable direction; and the definitions of many words amended and improved. To which are added for the benefit of the merchant, the student and the traveller, I.—Tables of the moneys of most of the commercial nations in the world, with the value expressed in sterling and cents. IV.—An official list of the post-offices in the United States, with the states and counties in which they are respectively situated and the distance of each from the seat of Government. II.—Tables of weights and measure, ancient and modern, with the proportion between the several weights used in the principal cities of Europe. V.—The number of inhabitants in the United States, with the amount of exports. III.—The divisions of time among the Jews, Greeks and Romans, with a table exhibiting the Roman manner of dating. IV.—New and interesting chronological tables of remarkable events and discoveries. By Noah Webster, Esq. From Sidney's Press. For Hudson & Goodwin, Book-Sellers, Hartford, and Increase Cooke & Co. Book-Sellers, New-Haven. 1806.
Reviewer:Miguel Knott
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July 5, 2022 Subject:
Easy to read in the original without downloading
I tried downloading without success, finally I just started reading it on this site, no problems. Curiously, epub is worse to read than the original, since in 1806 some s's were similar to an f, and epub writes them both f, while the original has a slight difference, and it does not affect reading. This is an incredible experience, being able to read a book that old without difficulty, in just a few places the original is blurred, and it is necessary to guess and interpolate.